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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta FireLight. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Flat to Mast high / Plano a un mástil de olas

I cannot believe how flat it was yesterday here on the North Shore of Maui, flatter than my home in El Yaque, Margarita!

No puedo creer lo plato que era ayer en el North Shore de Maui, mas plano que en Playa El Yaque, Margarita!
 But today seemed to be another story! Crazy how conditions could just change like this from one day to the other!

Pero hoy fue completamente otra historia! Loco como las condiciones pueden cambiar tan rápido de un día para el otro!

Here Diony trying a different kind of 360 on his new DGWFireLight
Aqui Diony probando un estilo de 360 diferente con su nueva tabla DGW y vela FireLight
Diony flying high
Diony Volando alto

Diony Goiter
Tomorrow looking like it's going to be even bigger than taday!
Manana parece que estará aun mas grande la ola que hoy!

Cannot wait!

Stay tuned for more news and action!
Pendiente para mas noticias y acción!


jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Best day so far

Had such a fun day yesterday, everyone was out there pushing it, by far the best day since I have been on Maui, long peeling waves and perfect wind for my 4.7 FireLight, I sailed on my DGW 83L, it was interesting how the wind shifted a bit back and forth to a tiny bit onshore to side then off shore! so I liked how it reacted in all conditions!

I tried my new move a few times and landed but just a hair away, hope to pull it off the next days!

Thanks to Paul ZeperKevin Pritchard for these shots yesterday!

More news coming soon!


jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012


Hey fellows,

Weather has been a bit nuts here on Maui since I got in, with flood warning on a couple Islands of the Hawaiian chain including Maui, but seems like the next couple of days should clear up! CANNOT wait to hit the water and start training hard in the waves testing my new DGW boards and my smaller FireLight! I want to be in form for this year to give it my best! Hope to see you guys soon on the water!!

All the best!

Hola mis panas,

El tiempo ah estado bien loco aquí en Maui desde que llegue hace un par de días, con aviso de inundaciones en un par de Islas en Hawai incluyendo Maui, pero parece que en los próximos dos días volvera todo a lo normal! Estoy súper ansioso para entrar al mar y empezar a entrenar super duro en las olas probando mi nueva linea de tablas DGW y mis velas pequenas FireLight! quiero estar bien en forma para este ano para darle mi todo, ojalá poder verlos en el agua muy pronto!

Todo lo mejor!

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Diony & his crew at Funeral Point

After many years of traveling the world Diony has been working a number of plans recently to rediscover the magic that can be found a little closer to home. Isn't funny how we rush around and around but sometimes miss the gems that lie in front of us!

Funeral Point - what a beautiful location... 
Diony enjoying a few waves on his FireLight & his Pro Model DG wave board
Deivis (right) & Reinaldo (left)
 6am 1st session

"The new season is just starting here in the Southern Caribbean so everyone is quite desperate for some swell, Margarita is just above the equator and enjoys good climate year around but good swells here are not easy to get since we have all the islands blocking us north and east from us, so you got to be on top of the forecast!

We headed north west to this spot called Funeral Point, (discovered by my friend Carlos Vasquez and a friend of his called El Megatronico) the name doesn’t sound very attractive but I can assure you that it was the contrary, super peaceful and completely isolated in the cactus field of the dessert! We did not even have telephone signal incase of an emergency! It felt great to totally disconnect with the world, we arrived at dawn before the sun came out with a few good friends, Deivis Paternina (Pro Freestyler), Edwing Fernandez (Free Surfer) and Reinaldo Aparicio (Kite Surfer and Free Surfer) I was the first one to get into the water, the surf was epic, long perfect peeling glassy left and rights!
 Edwing Kelly 
Diony back side
Diony (right ) & his crew

The wind started to fill in early at 9am since it was a bit stormy so I jumped on my new AHD Sea Lion Pro SUP to get a fewwaves before it got too windy! At 10am I was already on the water wave sailing with Deivis, it was his first time on the waves here, he had a funny style but it was great to see one of the El Yaque boys wanting to learn how to wave ride, it was a little side on with occasional gust to do a couple jumps and to hit a few lips! 
Diony on his Sea Lion Pro
Diony backing
DG foam climb

I’m really looking forward going to Los Roques very soon! Just waiting on the catamaran that will be taking us there! Conditions are looking great for the next days, Los Roques probably going to be mast High or more, hope to get some conditions here on Margarita also!" Diony Guadagnino V69

Photos: Diony, Deivis & Reinaldo

More to follow very soon!

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

DG Bequia video

Here is a short video I did of my last trip to Bequia Island St Vincent and the Grenadines where I grew up.

Diony Guadagnino Bequia from Diony Guadagnino on Vimeo.
